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About GEP-NET Patients

Early Action Can Be Critical

Early action can be critical to the treatment of progressive diseases such as GEP-NETs1-4

Because GEP-NETs are heterogeneous with different clinical presentations, many patients have advanced disease by the time they're diagnosed1-4

58% of patients have metastatic disease at diagnosis, which is associated with worse survival outcomes.


Based on an assessment of 837 patients from the National Cancer Registry for Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (RGETNE) in Spain. In this cohort, 14% of patients had regional spread and 44% had distant metastases.4

Worsening of tumor grade is common in GEP-NETs and is associated with poorer outcomes1-3

75% of patients saw their tumor become more aggressive with time2,*

31% of patients with well-differentiated NETs progressed from G1 to G2; 31% progressed from G1 to G3; 13% progressed from G2 to G3.

*Data from a study of 43 patients with well-differentiated NETs of different primary sites (including lung) over time. Sixteen patients (37%) were identified with grade changes (with a time interval of 4–81 months).2

GEP-NETs are often diagnosed at the metastatic stage and threaten to become more aggressive with time, highlighting the need for earlier interventions with clear evidence across tumor grades2,4

G, grade; GEP-NETs, gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors; NETs, neuroendocrine tumors.

References: 1. Panzuto F, Cicchese N, Partelli S, et al. Impact of Ki67 re-assessment at time of disease progression in patients with pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms. PLoS ONE. 2017;12(6):e0179445. 2. Singh S, Hallet J, Rowsell C, Law CH. Variability of Ki67 labeling index in multiple neuroendocrine tumors specimens over the course of the disease. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2014;40(11):1517-1522. 3. Botling J, Lamarca A, Bajic D, et al. High-grade progression confers poor survival in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. Neuroendocrinology. 2020;110(11-12):891-898. 4. Garcia-Carbonero R, Capdevila J, Crespo-Herrero G, et al. Incidence, patterns of care and prognostic factors for outcome of gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (GEP-NETs): results from the National Cancer Registry of Spain (RGETNE). Ann Oncol. 2010;21(9):1794-1803.