Dosing and Administration
Preparing and Administering LUTATHERA
Infusion schedule and procedures
Treatment with LUTATHERA also includes premedications and amino acid infusion.1
Hypersensitivity prophylaxis: Premedicate patients who have had prior grade 1/2 hypersensitivity reactions to LUTATHERA. Do not rechallenge patients who experience grade 3/4 hypersensitivity reactions to LUTATHERA.1
GBq, gigabecquerel; HCI, hydrogen chloride; IV, intravenous; mCi, millicurie.
How to prepare patients for treatment
What your patients need to know to prepare for LUTATHERA treatment, including steps and assessments to consider before, the day of, and the days after administration.
Refer to the LUTATHERA Prescribing Information for more detailed information on radiation requirements and patient counseling